
Academy of the Holy Family offers a rigorous academic program for young-women. An AHF young woman comes to feel safe doing things that bring her out of her comfort zone.  She learns to speak up in class even if her opinion differs from someone else’s. She’s grown up being told she can’t carry a tune, but she joins the concert choir.  She tries out for a sport, though she has the heart of a poet. She creates a work of art she thought beyond her abilities.

A Marist becomes comfortable enough to take risks. Here at the Academy she finds a culture where she discovers her passion through participation. Encouraged by her peers and teachers, she’ll learn invaluable life skills, at the right time, and in the right context. And, she’ll face her teenage years with an appreciation of the whole journey, bumpy roads and all. She comes to see that even if all her dreams don’t come true, she grows strong in the broken places. And she will begin to dream new dreams.