In the words of Alice Wang

Alice is from China and has attended the Academy all four years. She was not able to join us in-person this year but instead took classes virtually. We missed her but hope to see her in the Fall when she attends NYU. Here are her words to share with you!

“2017-2021, I still can’t believe it has been four years. At the age of 15, I left China and came to the United States to study. At that time, I could barely understand what Sister Rafael was saying on orientation day. But look at me right now, I’m already fully grown up and was able to write a speech for the NHS induction. Over the years at the Academy, I have learned to be a more responsible, independent, courageous, and caring person. I was always encouraged and cheered up. Here, I never felt alone. You know, sometimes we just meet such wonderful and kind strangers. And sometimes they just end up being a big part of our lives. I’m so grateful for all the lovely people in my life: the Sisters, staff, teachers, and all my friends. “Academy of the Holy Family, where friends become family.” It is right. We are truly a big family.”

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