In the Words of Blen Alemu

Hello there, my name is Blen Alemu. I am a senior student here in the Academy of the Holy Family. I am an international student from Ethiopia. What? From Ethiopia? That is too far. Why did you come here? You might have this question or maybe not, but for those of you who have this question, let me explain why I travelled 8,176 miles to be here.

When I first heard about the Academy of the Holy Family, I was eager to be part of it so that I can get a better education to be successful in life. I wanted to have a good job and live a comfortable life. However, after coming here I got more than what I wanted. I grew as a person. I learned the true meaning of life which is to live for others. My definition of success changed totally. The definition of success for me now is having to seek the happiness of others.

If I had to define the Academy of the Holy Family, I would define it as a place full of love. Everyone does really care about the other person. When I struggled most and was about to give up, I had people around encouraging me to keep going. Everyone is willing to help you if you are willing to share your burden.

I came here as a junior. When I first came here I was very shy. I was shocked with the cultural difference, but this changed in the second semester of my junior year. For those of you who are homesick, I just wanted to let you know it is okay to be. I got through it and you will too.
When I came here, I never had any background in basketball, but I was shocked when the coach put me on the varsity team. He used to allow me to practice after the scheduled practice time and through that I was able to develop some skills. I never knew how to dribble when my coach first handed me the basketball and now I get amazed in making a basket through the hoop.

What I am trying to say here is that if there is something you do not know how to do but you’re curious about it then I encourage you to apply here because you will get all the help you need to strive for getting better. In club or extracurricular wise, if you want something that is not here, it is easy. You just have to write an email stating what you plan to do in the club and the name of your adviser. By doing that, you just created a club. It is just easy like that.

Just to conclude, the Academy has been a place where I could call home because I was able to be me, and I was loved for who I am as a person. I did not have to change myself so that I can fit in. I assure if you become part of the Holy Family you will get all the support and love you need. If you are hesitating and have questions about the Academy of the Holy Family or if face any difficulty being at the Academy please feel free to contact me with the contact information I provide below. Although I will graduate from the Academy this year, I will not stop being part of the Academy because the bonding we create here does not end in the time of graduation. Instead, it continues through a lifetime. I have created friends that have become part of me and teachers that guide me throughout my life.

Contact information: email: / number: 2035835360

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