In the words of…Monica Thomas, a freshman from Connecticut!
A first year experience at a new school, furthermore you’re first year in high school, is never expected to be easy. Considering 2020-2021 being a whole new experience in so many aspects of my life and Covid simply adding on, my first school year in high school has not been perfect. However, throughout the imperfect and perfect times I’ve had at the Academy of the Holy Family, I have learned many things that I will carry with me in life.
One of the biggest things I learned was progress cannot be met without hard work. Although at times in the midst of various expectations at school and at home I may feel overwhelmed, once I succeed in these expectations, stress is replaced with the reaping of rewards (exmp. good grades) and satisfaction with myself. In a small school community, it feels like our efforts are met with encouragement and recognition. Our school has several days throughout the school year dedicated for the student body; a break from the typical school day consisting of classes all day, like Retreats and field day. I am extremely grateful that we have these days to refresh ourselves because they are very much needed.
The second biggest thing I learned this year was the importance of a community and support system. The 2020-2021 school year was unlike any other, and we were thrown into something completely unfamiliar. I can speak for myself and I believe many others, including teachers, that it was not easy and proved to be difficult at times. Although it was challenging, our school family’s community never failed. If it weren’t for the concern and uplifting I received from both my teachers and fellow peers, I don’t think I would be where I am now. I am very grateful and appreciative for the community and second family that I have gained.
Nothing is ever without struggle or roadblocks, but having a good surrounding along the way helps you overcome them and never on your own. Two can get more done than one. Two quotes that I think embody my experience at the Academy thus far this year are “If there is no struggle there is no progress” -Fredrick Douglas, and “The greatness of a community is more accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members” – Coretta Scott King.